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PrispevekObjavljeno: 27 Jan 2016 14:23    Naslov sporočila: AVAAZ Odgovori s citatom

US: Save the bees
ZDA: čebele še vedno izginjajo v ZDA. zahteve po prepovedi določenih kemičnih sredstev v kmetijstvu za katere obstajajo dokazi, da morijo čebele.

Bees are vanishing. These industrious creatures that bring us almost one out of every three bites of our food are collapsing in a rain of toxic pesticides. But finally the US government could take action to ban these bee-killing poisons.

Let’s make this the moment for bees!

Submit a comment to the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on the right, and draw on the helpful talking points below. Insiders have told us that the more personal you make your comment the more impactful it will be:
We need bees for the stability of our food supply. Bees are responsible for pollinating 70 out of the world’s top 100 food crops.
The EU has already banned neonicotinoids because of their danger to bees. How can the US government justify the continued use of chemicals that governments and scientists around the world have found to play a major role in the colony collapse of our bees?
In high doses neonicotinoids cause swift death by paralysis. But multiple peer-reviewed studies show that exposure to a low dose can harm bees' critical navigation, memory and motor functions. The EPA must act wisely and suspend these dangerous chemicals entirely.
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