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Čelar Administrator foruma
Pridružen/-a: 29.03. 2010, 07:24 Prispevkov: 813
Objavljeno: 22 Mar 2017 06:59 Naslov sporočila: PROIZVAJALCI IN UPORABNIKI FFS MASOVNO UBIJAJO ČEBELE |
“Secret Studies:” World’s Top 2 Pesticide Companies Knew About Harm to Bees, Did Nothing According to Greenpeace Investigation
by Yelena Sukhoterina | October 13, 2016
Just this September, seven species of bees were added to the endangered species list. The bees live primarily in Hawaii, the same state that has seen an increase of health issues in humans related to the mass use of pesticides created by Monsanto and others (Hawaiian agricultural workers have seen increased rates of cancers, Parkinson’s Disease and depression).
If people are this affected by this pesticides, what effect can it have on a small body of a bee?
While the official statement is that these bees are disappearing due to natural causes, we have seen the catastrophic results of how chemicals can seriously damage and even destroy bee colonies.
Just this August millions of bees dropped dead after one night of aerial spraying of a chemical to fight Zika mosquitoes in South Carolina. And a recent long-term study linked one particular type of pesticide coating on seeds to ongoing wild bee declines.
With so much evidence of these and other chemicals harming the bees, it should be common knowledge that pesticide companies and their toxic products are harming the bees.
Despite that, at least two of the biggest companies in the world have been covering up evidence of harm for years. And now, they’ve officially been caught.
Bayer. Syngenta’s Bee-Killing Cover-Up Exposed
It has been revealed that Bayer (who just merged with Monsanto) and Syngenta, by one recent measure the world’s top two pesticide companies, have been lying to regulators and the general public, repeatedly denying that their pesticides harm bees while rejecting or hiding research that showed otherwise.
As Syngenta’s former CEO John Atkin once put it according to the New York Times: “…These pesticides do not damage the health of bees.”
Source: The University of Vermont. Are the two giants lying to save their bottom line?
In reality, studies from both companies reveal that their pesticides are capable of doing serious damage to the honeybees after all. This research was left unpublished and purposefully hidden from the general public, as fate would have it. Greenpeace obtained the secret documents through the Freedom of Information Act, reported The Guardian.
The pesticides in question are neonicotinoid insecticides (Bayer’s clothianidin and Syngenta’s thiamethoxam), the most commonly used insecticides. They were banned in the EU in 2013 for use on flowering crops, but are widely used otherwise, especially in the United States.
Most importantly, these chemicals harm wild bees, which Bayer and Syngenta’s (read: industry-funded) studies do not take into account.
The aforementioned long-term (18-year) study above also showed that these types of pesticides (of the neonicotinoid class) can cause bee declines ranging from 20-30 percent among wild populations.
In the case of Bayer and Syngenta’s own unpublished studies, it was shown that their pesticides are in fact capable of harming bees according to the Greenpeace investigation. As The Guardian wrote:
“The newly revealed studies show Syngenta’s thiamethoxam and Bayer’s clothianidin seriously harmed colonies at high doses, but did not find significant effects below concentrations of 50 parts per billion (ppb) and 40ppb respectively. Such levels can sometimes be found in fields but concentrations are usually below 10ppb.”
Syngenta had told Greenpeace in August that “none of the studies Syngenta has undertaken or commissioned for use by regulatory agencies have shown damages to the health of bee colonies,” according to Prof. Dave Goulson of the University of Sussex. “That clearly contradicts their own study.”
Considering that these are industry-funded studies by two companies desperate to protect what amounts to nearly $2 billion in business (as of 2009) between them (see the above chart), the impact of these pesticides could be much worse than the studies show, critics say. But the full studies are still not being made public because of commercial confidentiality rules.
Ben Stewart of Greenpeace is now calling on Bayer and Syngenta to reveal the whole truth about pesticides and the harm they cause.
“If Bayer and Syngenta cared about the future of our pollinators, they would have made the findings public. Instead, they kept quiet about them for months and carried on downplaying nearly every study that questioned the safety of their products. It’s time for these companies to come clean about what they really know.”
Goulson is equally frustrated with the secrecy. The companies have previously criticized the type of study (using sucrose and neonicotinoids in the field) used to determine toxicity to bees. And yet their own studies have used a similar methodology.
“Given all the debate about this subject, it is hard to see why the companies don’t make these kinds of studies available,” he said. “It does seem a little shady to do this kind of field study – the very studies the companies say are the most important ones – and then not tell people what they find.”
Sign the Natural Resources Defense Council Petition to Stop Neonic Pesticides:
“America’s bees are dying at some of the highest rates ever, struggling to survive a deluge of toxic neonic pesticides unleashed by multinational chemical giants like Bayer and Monsanto. Yet the EPA continues to drag its feet on protecting these vital pollinators. And bees can’t afford to wait for the next administration.” read one petition from the Natural Resources Defense Council to President Barack Obama to ban these pesticides (view and sign |
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Čelar Administrator foruma
Pridružen/-a: 29.03. 2010, 07:24 Prispevkov: 813
Objavljeno: 07 Mar 2018 14:11 Naslov sporočila: |
Nov dokaz, da pesticidi morijo čebele
Države članice EU bodo o prepovedi neonikotinoidov, ki so škodljivi za opraševalce, glasovale 22. marca.
Maja Prijatelj Videmšek
tor, 06.03.2018,
Evropska komisija je uporabo spornih insekticidov omejila leta 2013, a se države temu izogibajo z izdajanjem izrednih dovoljenj.
Ljubljana - Neonikotinoidi, najpogosteje uporabljeni insekticidi v kmetijstvu, pomenijo tveganje tako za medonosne čebele kot divje opraševalce, je potrdila Evropska agencija za varnost hrane (Efsa).
Evropska »čuvajka« varne hrane je pregledala več kot 1500 študij za tri neonikotinoide (klotianidin, imidakloprid in tiametoksam), ki se uporabljajo za zaščito semen cvetočih poljščin, kot sta koruza in oljna ogrščica. Primerjala je pričakovane koncentracije pesticidov, ki so jim medonosne čebele, čmrlji in čebele samotarke izpostavljeni v okolju, s koncentracijami, ob katerih se pojavijo negativni učinki. Če je bilo tveganje za kontaminacijo iz okolja višje od koncentracij, ki še veljajo za varne, je Efsa zaključila, da je tveganje za opraševalce visoko.
»Rezultati se razlikujejo glede na vrsto čebel, rabo pesticidov in način izpostavljenosti. Identificiranih je bilo nekaj nizkih tveganj, toda na splošno lahko potrdimo tveganju za vse tri vrste čebel,« pravi vodja enote za pesticide v Efsi Jose Tarazona.
Podaljšanje omejitve ali popolna prepoved?
Evropska komisija je uporabo neonikotinoidov na cvetočih kmetijskih rastlinah prepovedala leta 2013, potem ko je Efsa v strokovnem mnenju pokazala na visoko tveganje za čebele. Z zadnjo oceno je Efsa okrepila svoje predhodno strokovno mnenje, prepovedi neonikotinoidov v EU pa ne more predlagati, saj je politična odločitev v rokah evropske komisije. Ta je državam članicam predlagala prepoved neonikotinoidov razen uporabe v rastlinjakih, vendar glasovanje ni bilo izvedeno, saj je več članic zaprosilo za odložitev do sedanjega poročila Efse. To bo komisiji olajšalo pot do prepovedi neonikotinoidov v EU, ocenjuje vodja sektorja za fitofarmacevtska sredstva na upravi za varno hrano, veterinarstvo in varstvo rastlin Jernej Drofenik. Glasovanje o predlogu bo 22. marca.
A brez težav verjetno ne bo šlo. Države, ki pogosto izdajajo izredna dovoljenja za uporabo pesticidov, bi neonikotinoide lahko še naprej dovoljevale. Med njimi so Romunija in nekatere severnoevropske države, letos pa je njihovo izredno uporabo za obdelavo semena koruze odobrila tudi Madžarska. Slovenski uradni organ izjem ne bo dovoljeval, zagotavlja Drofenik, »smo pa pod pritiskom uporabnikov, ki nam očitajo, da smo neonikotinoide prepovedali, Madžari pa ne«.
V Sloveniji po prepovedi leta 2011 brez novih pomorov
* To seveda ne drži. Vsako leto od leta 2011 pa do 2017 so čebelarji v vzhodni Sloveniji doživeli zastrupitve ćebel in primere tudi redno prijavljali veterinarjem NVI ter ustreznim inšpekcijskim službam. Zakaj torej sprenevedanje in manipulacija ter zanikanje nečesa kar se še vedno dogaja? Res, da ne več tako masovno in s tako hudimi posledicami, vendar zastrupitve čebel so še vedno huda vsakoletna nadloga mnogih čebelarjev v Pomurju.
Prepoved uporabe treh neonikotinoidov velja od leta 2011, sprožili so jo množični pomori čebeljih družin zaradi zastrupitve s tretiranim semenom koruze v Prekmurju istega leta. Po prepovedi večjih pomorov ni bilo več. Insekticidi, ki so se v kmetijstvu začeli uporabljati v 90. letih, delujejo na živčevje žuželk ter povzročajo paralizo in smrt. Uporabljajo jih za zaščito rastlin pred škodljivci tako, da z njimi »oblečejo« semena, rastline pa jih med rastjo vsrkajo in za škodljivce postanejo v celoti strupene. Prehajajo tudi v hrano čebel: medičino, cvetni prah in vodo, ki jo izločajo listi mladih rastlin. Številne študije so pokazale, da so že zelo majhne vsebnosti škodljive za zdravje čebel. Trije neonikotinoidi vplivajo na pašno dejavnost in zmanjšajo sposobnost vračanja v panje, s čimer se dolgoročno zmanjšuje število delavk in slabša preskrba družine s hrano. Imidakloprid pa negativno vpliva na razvoj družine pri črmljih in zmanjšuje število vzrejenih matic |
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