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Čebele in GSO

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PrispevekObjavljeno: 14 Jan 2016 05:56    Naslov sporočila: Čebele in GSO Odgovori s citatom

Čebele in GSO

Whatever way you may look at it, bees are creatures of tremendous important on our planet. Without the health and ongoing well-being of bees, a huge percentage of ecosystems and food sources on our planet could not exist and will not exist should the bees ever cease to flourish.

At this time we are witnessing tremendous instances of bee die-offs called ‘colony collapse disorder’ and concerned scientists, activists, and beekeepers alike have been focused on revealing a fuller understanding of the problem as well as working to create and implement solutions.

Though the exact causes are not 100% solidified in scientific fact, many known factors are likely suspects including the spread of genetically modified crops, insecticides used to treat crops (gmo and non-gmo alike), and also electro-magenetic frequencies being emitted from technology devices which have been shown to likely affect the circadian and communication patterns of other animal species as well.

Controversy or no, plenty of experts and vigilant world citizens alike aren’t interested in waiting to see if things get worse and are ready to eliminate risk factors now. Such is the case with the German Beekeepers Association (DIB) which encompasses nearly 100,000 beekeepers. The association took to action by calling for a nationwide ban on GMO cultivation. This exciting news comes from a report published in the German NGO

As GMWatch shares, this call for a ban follows controversial legislation allowing EU member states to opt-out of GM cultivation, even though it has been approved at the European Union level.

There are strong advocates for GMSs mostly coming from industrial and corporate voices who say that fears about GMO crops are ‘unfounded’ and express that to claim about negative effects of GMOs “lacks scientific justification.” However a quit review of the huge glut of literature available about GMOs will explain why anti-gmo advocates stand their ground firmly saying that there is not strong enough evidence for GMO safety for it go on being cultivated and developed. Included in this is the known detriments of the pesticides and fertilizers that treat GMO crops to the pollinating insects that unknowingly feed on them- including of course bees.

Beekeepers hope that Agricultural Minister Christian Schmidt (CSU) will soon administer a nationwide ban. The well being of bees on the planet is at a critical point and radical changes need to be made to accommodate these sacred and highly productive insects, yet the minister so far has expressed support towards allowing states to continue choosing individually.

When bees are in the pollination process they can travel up to eight kilometers by wing in order to pollinate and gather food. Because of this if one state chooses to permit GMO cultivation and another state does not, bees could cross pollinate between states and contaminate non-gmo crops in neighboring states which further multiplies damage to bee populations.

Beekeepers say clearly that this would be “environmentally and agriculturally unacceptable.” says, the exposure of bees to biotech chemicals like glyphosate (which was determined to be ‘probably carcinogenic’ by the WHO’s IARC), would no doubt compromise their numbers even more.”

As the DIB puts it “Bees know no borders.”

Bees must be permitted to live in a safe and natural environment, this is for our human benefit in a short and long term sense, yes, but the strongest reason is that bees as autonomous creatures are being forced into harm’s way by human actions.[/i]
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